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LuxeLife Integrative Weight Loss Program

Are you ready to lose 20 pounds or more in 16 weeks?

Are you tired of struggling to Lose Weight? If you have done all the diets, fads, pills and still can’t lose weight, it is not your fault. Society, your hormones, and your food may have been working against you the whole time. It´s time to help your body to lose 20 pounds or more in 16 weeks and set the foundation to stop dieting forever.  


LuxeLife Integrative Weight Loss: Revitalize Your Well-being, Redefine Your Journey


You CAN enjoy food and still lose weight.

Diets fail because depriving ourselves is not a long term solution. The weight loss industry wants us to keep failing over and over. It is time to break the cycle of dieting and learn to eat for your health, your waistline, and your pleasure.

It’s time to change your metabolism, your appetite, and your hormones for easy weight loss.


Use proven weight loss medications like Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro that make it easy to make healthy choices


Lose weight over 20 weeks while still maintaining your social life


Learn what foods are contributing to obesity and how to make wiser choices for the foods you love

There's just one problem...

Dieting without results is like banging your head against the wall. It’s why you may have given up and gained all the weight back.

  • You may be insulin resistant which causes high insulin levels. High insulin levels prevent your body from burning fat, which is why it seems no matter how hard you try, you can't lose weight.

  • Exercise can actually make you hungrier, which is why when you finally started that exercise program, losing weight seemed to become harder.
  • Your thyroid levels may look normal but this hormone responsible for your metabolism may not be working properly even if your blood work says otherwise.

  • Your relationship with food and dieting may actually be working against your weight loss, even though you are trying so hard.

  • You may have chemicals in your life that are messing with metabolism, thyroid function, your gut, and even your fertility.

Here's the truth

The medical industry has been gaslighting you this whole time.

You CAN tune into your body, mind, and soul. You can learn how to nourish your body, practice daily self-care, and experience joy on a daily basis. For too long, medical providers have told people who are struggling to lose weight to “just eat less and work out more”. Unfortunately, this school of thought does not take into account hormones, stress, menstrual cycles, thought processes, trauma, emotions, gut health, the nervous system, nutritional knowledge, and lifestyle. It’s unfair to spread the message of “just eat less” and its time to stop shaming women for failing to lose weight.


LuxeLife Integrative Weight Loss Program.

A revolutionary program that incorporates GLP1 medication (like Ozempic, semaglutide or Mounjaro) to help balance your hormones so you feel less hungry and more satisfied while you are losing weight. This program incorporates all the aspects that contribute to obesity so you can heal the parts of yourself that have been suffering for so long with yo-yo dieting. It´s time to release the emotions of shame, judgment, and self loathing and start to love food and to love yourself.

Proven roadmap

This is the exact formula I have used to help hundreds of people to lose weight, get healthy, and feel amazing in their life. Now packaged in a 20 week program with all the tools and support you need to change your life forever.

Five Medical Visits with Me

Included is five visits with me, strategically timed to help you on your journey. Your medication is included! Together we will work on personalizing your weight loss plan, identifying barriers, and improving your life for your best success. Dive deep into emotions, trauma and nervous system reprogramming, and even experience myofascial release.

Lab Work

Included is one set of lab panels to measure your hormones, cholesterol, vitamins, and more. Interpretation and guidance on improving your health will be worked on at each visit.

Prerecorded videos

Loaded with educational videos on detoxing your life, nutrition tips, and more so you can soak up more ways to enhance your health. Plus guided EFT, hypnosis, mediations, and bonuses.

1:1 Virtual Coaching

Join me on the Get Healthie app to text your questions, frustrations, and celebrations! I will be with you every step of the way!

Monthly Live Q&A Session

Join me live each month for education, motivation, and group Q&A session to learn more about nutrition, longevity and vitality!

Weekly Group Calls

Join me live every Monday morning at 8:45 am for motivation, education, celebration, mindset, and self love! Friday check-ins will keep you accountable with community to celebrate your weekly success!

Private Community

There’s scientific evidence that online community support helps people to be successful and stay on track for their weight loss journey. Join our private facebook group for like minded individuals to cheer you on and support you.

Healing Videos

Weight loss meditations, visualizations, intention setting, Emotional Freedom Tappings, Hypnosis etc. This program is packed full of healing modalities for you to use to heal yourself and your heart. These modules are key to keeping the weight off forever.

Here's what you'll learn

Everything you need to achieve your goal


Body Healing Nutrition

Learn the basics of nutrition and how to tailor your nutrition to your body type, preferences, and lifestyle. Learn how to portion and make sure you are eating the proper macro and micronutrients for your body to function optimally. Discover ways to make healthy eating a lifestyle.


Hormone Balance

Learn about the hormones that contribute to your weight and how they may be malfunctioning. Discover how to heal your gut and balance your hormones to feel your best.


Social Expectations 

Understand that societal programming and peer pressure may be affecting your choices. Break free from the paradigm of overeating and unhealthy choices. Learn how to set expectations, boundaries, change the way you look at food, and heal your relationship to stop dieting forever.


Stress Reduction

Learn tips and tricks to reduce your stress and optimize your sleep for weight loss and youthfulness. Identify toxins in your life that contribute to weight gain to clean up your environment.


Step into Your Power

Learn ways to reprogram your thoughts and nervous system. Start healing from trauma and accepting yourself. Work on loving yourself harder than ever before. It's time to stop denying your greatness and step into your power.

How does this sound?

Lose weight, feel good, and stay healthy

  • Lose anywhere from 10 -150 pounds just like my past clients - and KEEP THE WEIGHT OFF.
  • Avoid the disease processes that come with being overweight and obese. Lose weight to decrease your risk for cancer and heart disease, reverse diabetes, and lower your waistline and your blood pressure.
  • Ditch the binge eating, feelings of shame with food choices, and still enjoy the foods you love.
  • Forget the feelings of insecurity in your clothes and bathing suit and live your life with confidence!
  • Feel better, have more energy, sleep better, have better sex, and improve your relationships with yourself and others!
  • Get rid of the stigma of being overweight. It’s time to celebrate you for all the fabulousness that you are! .

Check out Chris' before and after!

"I highly recommend Sylvia and her staff! I started my health journey back in 2019 weighing about 350lbs and having all sorts of health problems. Now I currently weigh 200lbs and am probably in the best health I've been in my adult life. With exercise, proper medication, healthier eating choices, and Sylvia's guidance this wouldn't have been possible.

Brenda achieved this result:

"After 2 weeks of doing Sylvia´s nutrition program, my blood sugar went from the 200s to the normal range! For the first time in my life, I feel like I have answers as to why I suffer like I do. The best part is that I now know what to do to fix it. No more guessing. It feels so good to finally know that my suffering is almost over. I've battered my body all these years. I now have chronic conditions bc of it. My goal is to heal myself inside and out. Thank you so much for everything."

Karla achieved another amazing result:

"Working with Sylvia was one of the best decisions I've made for my health! Her gut transformation program was so thorough and thoughtful, I learned so much about my own body and its unique, individual needs. The program helped clear up my dermatitis and improved my sleep, energy, and digestion. A year later, I still follow many of the recommendations and can truly say they changed the way I think about my health. Sylvia is a joy to work with, and I looked forward to our calls. She is an intuitive healer who addresses the person as a whole, not just symptoms. She truly cares about her clients and it shows!"

Kandise achieved this result:

"Sylvia has really helped me with identifying what my body needs. I was overweight, stressed and had a hard time losing weight. After seeing Sylvia she was able to make a Dx of insulin resistance. After trying out Ozympic and Mounjaro and making some lifestyle changes I'm much happier. 40 lbs down and on the right track. She's also a very good listener."

Angela achieved this result:

"I didn't realize I was insulin resistant until I had a consultation with Sylvia NP. After exercising wasn't working, Sylvia was able to come up with a plan and I lost 30 pounds"

Lucky's before and after is a must see!

"I have known Sylvia for a long time, and trusting her with my health was the absolute best decision I’ve ever made. She doesn’t look at just the number on the scale. She looks at you as a whole person, sees the entire picture and works with you to build a plan that factors in all that you are. Between kickboxing, her encouraging me to increase my intake of vitamins, balancing my diet and stress levels, and monitoring my overall health, I was able to get to a space where I love the body I am in. Diets alone, don’t work, changes in lifestyle do. That is what Sylvia does best and I’m proud to follow her lead."

And there is more!

When you enroll, you'll also get these awesome bonuses:

Bonus #1

Metabolic Activator

A liquid formula with the latest carbon technology from Cell Core that supports hormones and assists the body’s energy transactions. This supplement helps your body with a healthy antioxidant balance and supports healthy weight management!

Bonus #2

Portion Control Containers & Cookbook

Easily measure your macronutrients and know how much of what to eat for weight loss with these BPA free containers. They are color coded and have helped hundreds of thousands of people to change the amount they eat, get the right nutrients and lose weight. Plus you'll receive a cookbook with recipes!

Bonus #3

Heal Your Relationship With Food Workbook

Somewhere along the line, you may have learned that if you eat healthy you’re good and if you don’t, you’re bad. This workbook is designed to help you rid yourself of these thoughts and help you heal your relationship with food.

Ready to achieve your goal? Choose your action plan:

option 1

I want to start weight loss medication.


Option 2

I already have weight loss medication.


Meet your teacher

Hi, I'm Sylvia

I have been a Nurse Practitioner helping people to lose weight with GLP1s for 5 years. I earned my BSN from Texas A&M -Corpus Christi in 2014 and my Masters of Nursing in 2018. I also have a certificate in functional medicine from FMFT Academy, a certificate in Integrative Medicine for PTSD and Chronic PTSD from the Leslie Korn Institute, and a certificate in Food As Medicine.

I have been on a lifelong journey of healing. After struggling with an eating disorder, low self-esteem, self-sabotage, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety, I have been obsessed with learning how to help myself heal and leading others on the healing path.

I have invested thousands of dollars and 10 years of my life in formal education to discover knowledge on nutritional science, restoring the body to health, detox, trauma, nervous system reprogramming, mental health, and ultimately discovering how to love and forgive myself.

I am definitely not perfect but I experience better health and vitality than ever before!

But it wasn't always this way...

You see, there was a time when I felt desperate to quit smoking. Cigarette addiction had complete control of me. I wanted to be healthy. I wanted to be like those girls that I saw in the pictures. The ones that are healthy and smiling. I wanted to be like the girls that fueled their bodies with healthy options.

I didn’t want to be the girl with a food addiction that didn’t have control over her body anymore. I didn’t want to be ruled by cigarettes and poor dietary choices that made me hungrier and continue to gain weight. I remember a time when drinking on the weekends would completely ruin all of the hard work I did throughout the week. I remember when I was in an abusive relationship, starved of love and self-worth and joy.

I remember wishing I could love myself. Wishing I was part of something greater. Wishing I was greater. I remember feeling lost and purposeless. I remember a time when I wished to be all the things that I wasn’t.

My transformation took me years but it doesn’t have to be that long for you. In 16 weeks, I am going to show you exactly what I did to transform my life and health. So if any of this resonates with you. This program is for YOU.

This is possible for you too

It’s time to stop dieting and Lose Weight


Join LuxeLife Integrative Weight Loss Program

Click the enrollment button and follow the checkout steps. You'll be taken directly to the GET HEALTHIE portal to access the program the program!


Dive in and Take Action

Start watching the videos right away and get ready to lose weight and change your life! Call my office to make your first appointment ASAP to get started on your weight loss journey!


Reach your goal

Finally feel confident on your weight loss journey. Receive nutritional knowledge, medication and loving support, you’ll have everything you need to succeed.


You are going to love your results. Change can take time but most of my clients lose at least 5 pounds in the first 2 weeks!

This is for you if:

  • You have struggled to lose weight but you're not ready to give up!

  •  You desire a healthier body, more energy, and want to live longer!

  •  You are ready for a holistic approach and understand that there is more to weight loss than just the physical aspect!

  •  You are sick and tired of being sick and tired, and you're ready to make changes!

This is not for you if:

  • You're not ready to make any changes and just want medication to do all the work.

  •  You aren't willing to put in the time to make healthy choices or to prioritize yourself.

  •  You aren’t willing to try new things or accept new ideas.

Lucky achieved this amazing result:

"I have known Sylvia for a long time, and trusting her with my health was the absolute best decision I’ve ever made. She doesn’t look at just the number on the scale. She looks at you as a whole person, sees the entire picture and works with you to build a plan that factors in all that you are. Between kickboxing, her encouraging me to increase my intake of vitamins, balancing my diet and stress levels, and monitoring my overall health, I was able to get to a space where I love the body I am in. Diets alone, don’t work, changes in lifestyle do. That is what Sylvia does best and I’m proud to follow her lead."

JuLee Achieved this amazing result:

"My life was upside down, physically and mentally. I am no longer drinking a 12-pack of Dr. Pepper every two days to “make me feel better!” Thanks to Sylvia for providing me with the tools I needed to get back on track! I’m still a work in progress but because of her guidance and direction, I have taken control of my life and my health!"

Are you Ready for a truly holistic experience for your health and weight loss journey?

Losing weight is not just a physical thing. There are emotional reasons you may have gained weight. There are emotional reasons you may continue to self sabotage. There may be trauma or shame. All of these things have been scientifically proven to contribute to obesity. It's time to address the root cause of obesity and heal from the inside out. You don’t have to do it alone. Let me help you on your journey to lose weight and keep it off for life.


Frequently Asked Questions

Real talk, my friend

It's time to prioritize yourself, invest in your health, and reap the rewards.

It's time to prioritize yourself, invest in your health, and reap the rewards.

If you have been putting yourself on the back burner, this is your sign that it is your time to thrive! If you are used to being the strong one, the sacrificing one, the one who does it all and has nothing left for yourself, then this program is for YOU. 

I see you. I see how fed up with your health you are. I see how tired you are. I know the things you say to yourself when you look in the mirror. I have been there and believe me when I say there is a better way. It is time to put you first! It is time to give yourself the attention you deserve and create the body you have always wanted. And I am here to help you.

Lose weight and keep it off:

  • Weave healthy habits into your lifestyle so losing and keeping the weight off is easy!

  • Let go of the negativity that is keeping you from being the confident and radiant being who you are supposed to be! 

Anabel achieved this amazing result:

"Before I started working with Sylvia, I was using a walker and in a lot of pain every single day. I was considering getting a scooter to get around. Halfway through her program, I am no longer using a walker. I am walking with my husband daily and my pain is under control. She has helped me to completely transform my life!"

Eric achieved this amazing result:

"I would like to recognize Mrs. Sylvia McMahan for her exemplary care. Throughout my life, I have struggled with my weight, and depression because of the weight. I found it increasingly harder to lose weight the older I became. With Mrs. McMahan’s help, I not only found that I am pre-diabetic and now treating it, but her effective dietary recommendations have allowed me to lose 45 lbs. I’m on track to continue losing weight, and am feeling better than ever!"

Ready to achieve your goal? Choose your action plan:

option 1

I want to start Meds


Option 2

I already have Meds